GLN & DSCSA Information

Learn more about Title II of the Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA), the Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA), and the new GLN requirement.

Global Location Numbers (GLNs) and You

What are GLNs?

GLNs identify specific locations throughout a dental clinic or medical facility. Please view our FAQs below to learn more about locations, multiple GLNs, and specifics regarding the allocation of GLNs.


If you haven’t already, you must obtain a GLN from GS1. HealthFirst customers with a GLN: Click the button below to submit your GLN to our team. Starting in November 2023 we are requesting a GLN number with every sales order.

HealthFirst Customers:
Have questions or need help? Contact us today.

GLN Frequently
Asked Questions

A GLN can be obtained from the GS1 website. Keep in mind that if you currently work with a pharmaceutical dispenser, you may have already been assigned a GLN for your location. You can use the search tool to see if you currently have a GLN on file.

Use the search tool on the GS1 website to locate your GLN.

A GLN can identify four different types of locations:

  • Legal Entity: An entity (i.e.  government bodies, individuals, and businesses) that can enter into agreements or contracts.
  • Function: An organization's departments may need a GLN if they perform a specific task within the broader entity.
  • Physical Location: A single physical location may have a single GLN or multiple, referred to as sub-locations. GS1 has outlined that it is possible to use GLN extensions to identify sub-locations depending on the circumstances.
  • Digital Location: Non-physical locations may require a GLN if a business needs to be identified across multiple organizations and computer systems.

Starting in November 2023 we are requesting a GLN number with every sales order, and we are incorporating GLN into our electronic sales transactions with distribution partners.

About the Law

Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA)

Enacted by Congress in 2013, the goal of the DQSA was to provide more authority to the Food and Drug Administration, enabling them to better regulate and keep track of compounded drugs.

Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA)

Title II of the DQSA aims to achieve interoperable, electronic tracing of prescription drugs that are distributed throughout the United States at the package level.


A GLN is a 13-digit global identification code that labels locations on the supply chain. As it relates to dentists and medical facilities, the locations could include medical kits, crash carts, pharmaceutical storage areas and more.

Drug Quality and Security Act (DQSA)


The bill was originally introduced by former Congressman Upton (R-Mich.) after a fungal meningitis outbreak in 2012 infected 750 people, 64 of which were killed. The cause was determined to be steroid injections originating from the New England Compounding Center.


Title I amended the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to give the FDA more authority over the production and regulation of compounded drugs. Additionally, reselling of drugs labeled “not for resale” is now prohibited. Title II outlines a method for easily tracing drugs through the U.S. supply chain.

Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA)


Also known as Title II of the Drug Quality and Security Act, this law enhances the FDA’s ability to help protect consumers from compounded drugs. This includes drugs that may be contaminated, stolen, counterfeit or otherwise harmful.

Date in Effect

Starting in November 2023 we are requesting a GLN number with every sales order, and we are incorporating GLN into our electronic sales transactions with distribution partners.

Get Help With Your GLN

Are you a HealthFirst customer that needs assistance with their GLN? Complete our quick form and a member of our team will contact you as soon as possible.

Alternatively, please feel free to reach out to us via the email address or phone number below.